as usual, a well balanced video...
watching basket ball and buying a BMW are worldy and bad things!
so the wife was watching the latest installment of jw broadcasting and near the end there was a new segment on dating and courtship.
it starts at about the 39 minute mark:.
as usual, a well balanced video...
watching basket ball and buying a BMW are worldy and bad things!
nicolas king frequently sings with the watchtower chorus and had a supporting role in the dvd released at the 2014 convention.
(he's on the bottom row, second from the right.).
but he also is a jazz singer, traveling constantly performing at concerts, casinos, charity events, even a brief appearance on the tonight show.
Maybe he will succeed brothers Jackson and Prince...
so your a witness and want to get married or jehovah forbid remarried.
welcome to the pond of losers you can chose from!!!
who struck out in the marriage department..
I had the same history than Blondie. But it is only lasting since 2006...
I choose to marry someone I could really love for years and years, rather than marrying a clone who would answer me "" every minute of my life!
I never regretted my choice, and made everybody mad in the congregation by showing a smiling face and a true happiness with my "worldy" wife.
i appreciate all the expressions of interest and solidarity.
it has been a very intense week.
i started with the help of many of you, a particular war for my rights as a european citizen.. we have achieved an important space and advertising with a single complaint, which is a great success that i share with you all.. the press has not only spoken about a single complaint, but they gave a full coverage on asocial behavior of jehovah's witnesses and the last, a very hard editorial from the newspaper el periodico director (link).
the worst think is remaining isolated to face the Borg and its millions of brainwashed adepts.
Well, you're a courageous guy, and I wish you all the best in your noble fight!
but where is the sign?
maybe it should have a third sign?
don't worry, the lovely brothers and sisters at the deauville congregation want to say hello to caleb and sophia.
well, cul = ass in english!! so you could understand ass hall of the JWs...
has anyone else noticed how alarm bells go off inside a jw mind as soon as they hear someone that "is out" refer to the leaders of this org as "watchtower"?
i've chatted with a few friends now about my doubts and each and every time i've started using phrases such as "watchtower said this" or "watchtower did that", i can almost see their heads about to explode in anger, as if they've just realized they are talking to the lucifer himself.
some have even interrupted and corrected me by reminding me that it's not "watchtower", it's "god's organization".
you'd better said "the organization". The worst would be "the Watchtower Society".
a few months ago, I was not very surprised to learn that ISIS wa also called "the organization" by its followers...
I have been marked for marrying a non-believer (catholic), had a beautiful discourse. The following week-end, some proclaimers refused to go with me in the field. So the elder told to the 15 proclaimers of the group : I think it would be better brother Polish Clarinet went from door to door alone!
moving best i have seen and live recorded too!.
well, this music is nothing compared with the holy spirit inspired kingdom songs!!!
seriously, thank you for this wonderful video! haendel was really one of the greatest composer who ever lived!
aaaaaand .
.. it offers absolutely nothing new.. from questions from readers in the december 2016 study edition watchtower:.
"is it proper for a brother todayto have a beard?in some cultures, a neat beardmay be acceptable and may notdetract from the kingdom mes-sage.
exactly! I hope a precise map wil soon be published!!!
Concerning CT Russell, the fact was that beards were still acceptable in his country... and in all contries he visited, so he didn't have to shave it.
You know what? I will soon get my "double talk" master in Warwick univesity!
about 10 years ago, I asked a CO why beards were not allowed on stage for conventions. He answered seriously that some could think that muslim extremists have infiltrated the WTBTS! And when I asked him why the same rule didn't apply to bald brother (some were looking as skin heads), he told me I had a very bad way of thinking
every time i see photos of new jw parents cuddling up to their new babies.. every time i see people giving the parents new baby cards & gifts.. every time i see them having fun with their children.. i think to myself; 'you would shun your kids' .
if they don't end up being jw's.
if they simply publicly declare that they don't believe.
Jehovahs Witnesses are the only people alive who have children and say "I love you, but if you don't do this, that, or the other, I won't"
Other cults or religions also do, for example mormons or exclusive brethren. It's the strength of a cult to make kind and good people act as heartless people just because they are told to do so.
But The rebel is right : every parent has his own responsability!